Cleaning Hardware and Hinges Made Easy

Cleaning hardware and hinges doesn't have to be difficult or time consuming. With these simple steps, you can have your hardware and hinges looking like new in no time!

Cleaning Hardware and Hinges Made Easy

Are you looking for an effortless way to clean your hardware and hinges? You've come to the right place! Cleaning hardware and hinges doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right materials and a few simple steps, you can have your hardware and hinges looking brand new in no time. The first step is to mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a bowl. Utilize a brush to scrub the hinges with the mixture.

Once you have finished scrubbing, rinse the hinges with clean water and then dry them with a soft cloth. Next, use a screwdriver to remove the hinges from the doors and from the door frame or cabinet. Fill a bowl with warm water and add a little liquid detergent until the water is soapy. Bring 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water to a boil in a large saucepan.

Once it has reached a rapid boiling point, add the hinges. Allow the hinges to boil for about 10 minutes. This will help loosen any dirt or grime that may be stuck on them. After 10 minutes, remove the hinges from the boiling water and place them in a bowl of cold water. This will help stop the boiling process and cool down the hinges. Once the hinges have cooled down, use a soft cloth to dry them off.

You can also use a soft brush to remove any dirt or grime that may still be stuck on them. Finally, reattach the hinges to the doors or cabinet. Cleaning hardware and hinges doesn't have to be difficult or time consuming. With these straightforward steps, you can have your hardware and hinges looking like new in no time!.

Patti Goldenman
Patti Goldenman

Award-winning social media geek. Thinker. Devoted tvaholic. Certified beeraholic. Passionate pop culture evangelist. Lifelong tv ninja.