Choosing the Perfect Size Kitchen Hardware

Learn how to choose the right size kitchen hardware for your home. Consider door height, handle style and hole spacing for a perfect fit.

Choosing the Perfect Size Kitchen Hardware

When it comes to selecting the ideal size kitchen hardware, there are a few factors to take into account. The height of the door, the style of the handle, and the hole spacing all play a role in finding the perfect fit. For doors that are less than 24 inches high, handles that are 3 to 7 inches long are most comfortable. Cabinet doors that measure 24 to 36 inches tall look best with handles that are 7 to 12 inches long.

For larger cabinets, such as pantries, built-in appliances, and removable modules, handles larger than 12 inches are recommended. For standard size cabinet doors, handles with a total length of 4 to 5 inches tend to be a great choice. Depending on the extraction style, these handles usually have 3 to 5 inch hole spacing. When it comes to choosing the right size kitchen hardware, it's important to consider all of these factors. The size of the door, the style of the handle, and the hole spacing all need to be taken into account in order to find the perfect fit.

With careful consideration and attention to detail, you can easily find the perfect size kitchen hardware for your home.

Patti Goldenman
Patti Goldenman

Award-winning social media geek. Thinker. Devoted tvaholic. Certified beeraholic. Passionate pop culture evangelist. Lifelong tv ninja.