Choosing the Right Decorative Hardware for Outdoor Use: What You Need to Know

When selecting decorative hardware for outdoor use, consider the overall look of your home. Antique brass or bronze door hardware may look better in a warm-colored home, while cooler designs fit stainless steel, porcelain or chrome hardware.

Choosing the Right Decorative Hardware for Outdoor Use: What You Need to Know

When it comes to revamping or replacing your door and furniture hardware, it's essential to be objective and assess each element separately. Exterior door locks and hardware should only be used at entry points in your home, as they are more durable than interior locks. It's best to select door and cabinet hardware from the same manufacturer, as this will guarantee that the locks are compatible. Additionally, some exterior door locks require specific reinforcement during installation, so it may be necessary to hire a professional.

Furthermore, textures in interior design can be used to add a unique touch to any room, from the door and cabinet hardware to the walls and flooring. Kwikset door fittings with Microban technology provide an extra layer of protection against bacterial growth. When selecting decorative hardware for outdoor use, take into account the overall look of your home. Antique brass or bronze door hardware may look better in a warm-colored home, while cooler designs fit stainless steel, porcelain or chrome hardware. Whether you're looking for something modern, rustic or traditional, you should have no problem finding door hardware to match your home decor.

Patti Goldenman
Patti Goldenman

Award-winning social media geek. Thinker. Devoted tvaholic. Certified beeraholic. Passionate pop culture evangelist. Lifelong tv ninja.