8 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Decorative Hardware for Your Bathroom

When it comes to designing a bathroom, the details matter. Learn 8 tips for selecting decorative hardware for bathrooms that will help you make the right decisions.

8 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Decorative Hardware for Your Bathroom

When it comes to designing a bathroom, the details are what make all the difference. From the faucets to the mirrors, all of the accessories should be chosen with care.

Decorative hardware

is an important finishing touch that can have a strong impact on the overall aesthetics and functionality of your project. To help you make the right decisions, here are eight tips for selecting decorative hardware for bathrooms.

First, consider the materials and finishes of bathroom accessories. Solid brass is a popular choice for its durability and classic look. However, there are also many other options available, such as stainless steel, chrome, and bronze. Each material has its own unique characteristics and can be used to create different looks.

Second, think about how the hardware will be used. If you're looking for something that will be used frequently, such as a door handle or towel bar, choose a material that is strong and durable. On the other hand, if you're looking for something more decorative, such as a cabinet pull or wall hook, you can choose something more delicate. Third, consider the style of your bathroom.

If you have a modern bathroom, choose hardware with clean lines and minimal detailing. For a traditional bathroom, opt for pieces with ornate detailing and classic shapes. You can also mix and match styles to create a unique look. Fourth, think about how much space you have available.

If you have limited space in your bathroom, opt for smaller pieces that won't overwhelm the room. On the other hand, if you have plenty of space to work with, you can choose larger pieces that will make a statement. Fifth, consider your budget. Decorative hardware can range from inexpensive plastic pieces to expensive solid brass pieces.

Choose pieces that fit within your budget while still providing the look and feel you want. Sixth, think about how easy it will be to install the hardware. Some pieces require more complex installation than others. If you're not comfortable with installing hardware yourself, it's best to choose pieces that are easy to install.

Seventh, consider how easy it will be to maintain the hardware. Some materials require more maintenance than others. For example, brass requires regular polishing to keep it looking its best. Finally, take into account any special considerations when selecting decorative hardware for bathrooms.

For example, if you live in an area with high humidity or salty air near the ocean, choose materials that are resistant to corrosion. By following these tips when selecting decorative hardware for bathrooms, you can create a beautiful space that is both functional and stylish. With careful consideration of materials and finishes, style preferences, budget constraints, installation requirements and maintenance needs, you can find the perfect pieces for your bathroom.

Patti Goldenman
Patti Goldenman

Award-winning social media geek. Thinker. Devoted tvaholic. Certified beeraholic. Passionate pop culture evangelist. Lifelong tv ninja.